Agreement for the Conservation of the Chameleon in Rota Naval Base

Natural Environment Management

The Ministry of Defense, in collaboration with the Andalusian Government, started in 2010 a project for the conservation and protection of the chameleon (Chamaleo chameleon) in Rota Naval Base (Cádiz). This naval base has a Lloyd's Register Quality Assurance (LRQA) certificate when it implemented, back in 2010, an environmental management system in agreement with UNE-EN ISO 14001.The chameleon is included in the catalogue of species of special interest. Its aspect is unmistakable with a characteristic capability to change the color of the skin, slow movement, prehensile tail and eyes that can move independently.

The chameleon is an insect-eating arboreal animal and the south Andalusian coasts, particularly Cádiz, are the rare habitats where they live in Spain. To survive they need pines, scrublands, brooms and scarce human population.

Rota Naval Base boasts one of the best and largest chameleon populations of Spain. Within the military base, these animals live in a controlled and monitored way and with hardly any human contact.


The following actions have been taken to protect the chameleon population in Rota NB:

  1. Weeding
  2. Cleaning scrublands
  3. Plant new trees
  4. Caring of shrubs
  5. Restoration of hedges and thickets
  6. Proper maintenance of facilities
  7. Fire-fighting plans and interventions
  8. Fire lanes

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