Reforestation Plan in La Algameca

Natural Environment Management

The Ministry of Defense has a series of mountain fields in a consortium with the Murcia Regional Government where a reforestation plan is being implemented, particularly in the La Algameca mountain.

Poster PlanE of the reforestation project in the Naval Base of the Algameca
Poster PlanE in the Naval Base of the Algameca

This mountain has been suffering strong deterioration as a consequence of erosion, mainly due to torrential rain showers, so common in this area. The scarce number of trees contributed to the erosion process and it was decided to reforest the mountain with the endemic sictus tree or araar (Tetraclinis Articulata).

The main two reason for this reforestation project were:

  1. The need to stop the erosion planting endemic species like the araar, along with other shrubs, in order to enhance the biodiversity of the environment.
  2. Improve rural routes within the mountain to facilitate the use of light and heavy vehicles without negatively affecting the zone. It also serves to control and fight the common forest fires during the summer.

The Algameca mountains
The Algameca
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Poster PlanE of the reforestation project in the Naval Base of the Algameca
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The Algameca mountains

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