Director of Economic Affairs of the Spanish Navy

Director Of Economic Affairs Of The Spanish Navy Major General Carlos Caballero Vallejo

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Director Of Economic Affairs Of The Spanish Navy Major General Carlos Caballero Vallejo
Director Of Economic Affairs Of The Spanish Navy Major General Carlos Caballero Vallejo
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Director Of Economic Affairs Of The Spanish Navy Major General Carlos Caballero Vallejo

The Director of Economic Affairs of the Spanish Navy, Major General Carlos Caballero Vallejo, joined the Naval Academy in 1980 and was promoted to First Lieutenant in 1985 (Quartermaster Corps).

At sea, he served as Supply Officer in the patrol vessels ‘Atrevida’ and ‘Villa de Bilbao’ and frigate ‘Numancia’.

Ashore he was assigned to the following posts as Supply Chief: the Navy Staff Radio Station, the Quartermaster’s Services of the Central Ammunition Depot and the Replenishment Service of Rota Naval Base.

In the financial sphere he has been Deputy Chief of the Budget Section of the DAE (Economic Affairs Directorate), Lecturer at the CESIA (Spanish Navy Quartermaster College), Technical Advisor to DIGENECO (Financial Affairs Director) and Technical Advisor to the Defense Secretary. He has also been Chief of the Foreign Management Section of the DAE, Accountant Chief of the Ministry of Defense, Quartermaster Chief in Madrid, Chief of the Accountancy Section of the DAE and Assistant Director of Budgets and Accountancy of the DAE.

In August 2018 he was promoted to Brigadier General and appointed Director of Transports and Supplies of the Logistic Support Head Office. He was subsequently posted as Director of Logistic Support. On May 17th 2022 he was promoted to Major General and appointed Director of Economic Affairs of the Spanish Navy on July 24th 2023.

Major General Caballero is a specialist in Accountancy, Budget and Auditing Techniques. He has a National Defense diploma and has taken several courses on financial management, contracts and budgets, auditing and projects’ management.

He has been awarded the following decorations: Grand Cross of Naval Merit, Grand Cross of the Royal and Military Order of San Hermenegildo, several Navy, Army and Air Force Crosses, the Kuwait Liberation Medal, the Persian Gulf Medal and the Balmis Commemorative Medal.


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