
La Graña Specialist School

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The School of Occupational Specialties La Graña (ESENGRA in its Spanish initials) is one of the training centers of the Spanish Navy. In the school, courses are given on Manoeuver and Navigation, Administration, Messing and Catering for non-commissioned officers and ratings.

ESENGRA was set up in 1997 when the Manoeuver and Replenishment Schools were merged into one single specialty center.

The ESENGRA is located in La Graña Naval Station, built in the 17th century at the entrance of the Ferrol estuary on the grounds of the former arsenal and ammunition dump.

The current buildings were built in the 80’s, including the different schools, classrooms and accommodation quarters, as well as the assigned training craft and vessels. The most recent building is the Catering School, equipped with modern facilities. The catering school has acquired a well-deserved reputation inside and outside the Spanish Navy. On the other hand, the Administration department is constantly in an updating process to meet the present-day requirements on management and office automation. The new Technical Qualification Degrees for non-commissioned officers have brought about a great transformation process both for students and teachers alike.

The ESENGRA offers the following training courses:

  • Access to the NCO’s course.
  • Promotion course for leading ratings.
  • Access course for professional seamen and ratings.

Other dedicated courses are:

  • Monographic courses for Supply Officers.
  • Supply courses for non-commissioned officers, leading seamen and ratings.
  • First-aid course for ratings.
  • Administration and Catering course for Marines.
  • Hairdressing course.
  • Use of assault RHIB-type craft.
  • Use of zodiac-type craft.
  • Courses on marine-mechanics for the Civil Guard Maritime Service.

  • The CN. Commander - Manager


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