Development and trials of the first Augmented Reality proto-type for Replenishment at Sea (RAS) operations.

Thursday, July 26, 2018

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Trials of the first Augmented Reality proto-type for RAS operations
Trials of the first Augmented Reality proto-type for RAS operations
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Trials of the first Augmented Reality proto-type for RAS operations
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Displaying the information in different platforms
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Trials of augmented reality devices
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Displaying information
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Trials of augmented reality devices
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Displaying information

From 11 to 20 of June, a series of development and validation tests of a new positioning system for replenishment at sea operations took place in the Naval Academy (NW Spain).

The proto-type was developed by Lt-Jr. Grade Ivan Krakhmaloff and Ms. Gómez Pérez as part of their 2016/17 graduation project. It operates state-of-the-art electronic devices allowing accurate positioning of ships for RAS manoeuvers.

This system provides to the RAS officer valuable real-time information and intuitive navigation data of both, the logistic and the receiving vessel, including course, speeds, lateral distance, advance distance and dangerous trend indicators.

The information can be displayed in different platforms like cell phones, tablets and augmented reality goggles.

These augmented reality devices contain significant changes when it comes to displaying useful real-time information in a non-intrusive way, also paving the way for future applications in the naval environment.

The R&D department of the Defense University Center is going to continue with this innovative project intended to enhance the security and efficiency of RAS manoeuvers, particularly when navigating in poor visibility.


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